Resilience Workshops

“A little less carbon footprint, a little more action”

Fungi Foraging



Wine Making

Kitchen Garden 


Meditation & Mindfulness

Natural Remedies

Polytunnels & Glasshouses


Shoreline Foraging

Want to try more than one workshop?

The Resilient Team

Recipes, Guides, Tips & Witchery

wild garlic recipes
Wild garlic and rocket arancini with tomato sauce. After the Spring equinox on March 21, Nature opens her pantry doors and beneath our feet emerge fresh green leaf forms with their distinctive shapes, aromas and properties.  […]
wild garlic soup recipe
Wild Garlic Soup Tans Way Taking a long walk on A beautiful Easter Sunday from my mother’s house in Kent. The usual picture postcard scenes of lambs and bunnies bounding across bright pastures of greenness, yellow […]
wild mushroom lasagne recipe
Wild Mushroom Lasagne Recipe Last Summer and Autumn my partner James, a master mushroom forager, was enjoying a particularly bumper season, bringing to the kitchen table, the most extraordinary array of wild fungi. So much so […]
Hedgerow Wine Recipe: Makes 1 demijohn = 6 x 750ml bottles Ingredients: 1.5kg mixed hedgerow fruit – blackberries, sloes, haws 1.25kg sugar 4.5L boiling water 4 teabags (black tea) *1 tsp pectolase *1 tsp citric acid […]
self sufficiency courses
This recipe my mother used to make every year from the glut of apples from the old fruit trees in her garden. My sister and I used to moan about having to spend ages peeling and […]
self sufficiency courses
Krishnamacharya …. as stated by the grandfather of modern yoga, Kryshnamacharya was trying to make the modern world aware of what is true; yoga practice is not just a physical experience on the mat, it’s about using the […]
Chicken Of The Woods – A Visual & Culinary Delight Well what a year 2022 was! The summer seemed to roll on forever and with hardly any rain it made for what was to become the […]
pickling and fermentation lessons sussex
Last night I came home after a very long day at the work, Winter’s cold edges continuing to prickle the air and the evenings still very gloomy and dark. I made a quick stop at my […]
Friday 15th July. 2.15pm For the Festival of the Garden at Charleston Trust, the Resilient Life team discussed the benefits of nature’s living larder and outlined creative ways to balance our lives in harmony with the […]
My Dear friend Vicky, Thank you so much for your lovely letter, yes it feels like an age since we were in the woods camping and preparing food from our allotments. I love the way we […]
July 28th 2022  My Dear Tan, What a weekend we had in the woods…cooking feasts over an open fire, spotting forage for harvesting in the autumn – nuts and berries which the squirrels will undoubtedly get […]
self sufficiency courses
“… the true purpose of art is one of resilience… In other words, art expression and the creative process are really manifestations of the drive toward health and well-being”  –Cathy Malchiodi PhD I’ve always loved making things […]
yoga classes and retreats sussex
” . . . It has a charming garden, with a pond, and fruit trees, and vegetables, all now rather run wild, but you could make it lovely”.  Virginia Woolf  In the winter of 1916, the […]
“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.”― Robert Jordan The Resilient Life Workshops Being resilient is not just about being creative in the kitchen or having your […]