Wild Fungi & Mushroom Foraging Experience

wild mushroom & fungi foraging walks and experiences in east sussex.

Wild Mushrooms & Fungi

“Funghi ben mussheroms; there be two manners of them, one maner is deedly & slayeth them that eateth them and be called tode stoles, and the other doeth not”

– Grete Herebal –

16th Century

Fungi Foraging Workshops

Time – 3 hours
Wild Snack – Yes
Location – East Sussex

Join us for a fungi foray in the East Sussex Countryside. The workshop includes…Forest Woodland or Meadow Pasture Walk
A talk about rules of foraging and how to be safe and sustainable.

An understanding between the symbiotic relationships between certain trees and particular species.
What are the best guide books and how to use them.
Whats safe to eat and how to prepare it for the table.
A wild mushroom soup or alternative wild snack. 
Forays are off the beaten path so good walking boots required and long trousers.
& hopefully take home some of your edible finds!
Please find all of this years Fungi Forays in the link below
There will be daily excursions throughout Autumn so please book in advance to avoid disappointment
Groups of 1-6 per workshop
I’d be a fool to guarantee there will always be the desired fungi but i’m 99.9% certain

Fungi Foraging Guide

I started foraging from a very early age. My father was obsessed with trying to find Cep and Chanterelles but not with much joy, yet on our treks together, in the Midlands, we certainly discovered plenty of other wonderful species of fungi.
Its the passion sparked there that is still burning strong to this day and will stay with me forever!
Once you get the bug for this you will understand why.
There is no greater thrill than a few hours stroll in the glorious Sussex woodlands or meadow pastures, gathering natures bounty and sometimes gazing with jaw dropping delight at the sheer audaciousness of their exquisite beauty!
Throughout Autumn I walk daily in many locations throughout East Sussex foraging for Wild Mushrooms & Fungi for culinary and medicinal benefits. Whilst the spring is full of time spent growing in the allotment and polytunnel it’s a welcome break for me to be out foraging.
The more I have foraged the more I learn and with that comes success…when I say success it depends on what the goal is. For me it was to initially to find the Ceps and Chanterelles from my childhood, and that box got ticked on a visit to Scotland back in 2018 where they grew abundantly in the bracken forests.

Now with an attuned eye, I can find the Cep regularly here in East Sussex.
Once you’ve gained some knowledge and coupled with some finds that you have devoured at the kitchen table you will start to investigate other safe specimens, explore delicious new recipes and discover the medicinal qualities that they hold. This is when things get really exciting and every trek out becomes an amazing treasure hunt! Its wonderful to start passing some of this knowledge onto budding foragers and anyone interested in culinary edible species and I greatly enjoy sharing the hunt for this fabulous natural treasure with others.