Hedgerow & Herb Patch

“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.

Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.”


Workshop Details

Time – 2 hours
Lunch Inc – Yes 
Location – East Sussex
Price Range 

£25 – £55
per person

Join Vicky & Tan on a hedgerow and herb patch forage.

Learn how to identify certain hedgerow and bridleway plants for use in medicinal or perfumery.

An introduction into the process of turning the gifts of nature into a usable product.

How to store and label produce in bottles and containers and sprays.

As we all know by now, life can be extremely challenging and most people will suffer from some degree of anxiety or depression, during their lifetime, and this can be short lived or longer lasting.


Causes of anxiety and depression can be complex and affected by a variety of factors, which means that treatment is not that straightforward, and requires differentiation.


Therefore, it’s a good idea, from the onset to seek out professional medical advice for treatment.

However, there are a wide range of herbal treatments that have been well-researched and could be used as a supportive supplement for such conditions and can even be added to your herb patch in the pursuit of a more resilient, self-sufficient way of life.



Which herbal remedies to try for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression:

Here is a list of herbal remedies that are known to have therapeutic properties. However, it’s important to make sure you check for any medical conflicts first.

St, John’s Wort

‘Let’s the light into a person’s life’Hypericum Perforatum’. Used for centuries this plant has been taken to treat mild to moderate anxiety and depression. By blocking the breakdown of serotonin levels in the body.

TreatmentTake note that St John’s Wort can take 3-6 weeks to take effect and can be taken as a tincture or in tablet form. It can also react to other types of medication which is why it’s a good idea to seek out medical advice before commencing a course of treatment.


Easily grown by planting the seeds indoors before or outside after the last frost. The seeds will germinate much better with light, so don’t cover when germinating. 


Lemon Balm

“Lemon balm can lift the mood while calming the mind”

Melissa Officinalis

An old folk remedy, lemon balm is well known for treating stress, insomnia and nervousness as it directly effects the central nervous system with its sedative properties.

Lemon balm really is a very accessible kitchen herb, and it has many wonderful properties, but it is particularly well known as a folk remedy for treating stress, nervousness, and insomnia as it exhibits sedative effects on the central nervous system.


Lemon balm can be taken as a tincture, an infusion or in tablet form. I like to add mine fresh to a morning smoothy.


It’s easier to buy young plants rather than grow from seed.Transplant outdoors in spring in a sunny or lightly shaded spot with moist, well-drained soil or in a large pot with soil-based compost and water well.

Passion Flower

Calms the spirit ’Passiflora incarnata’

A beautiful plant with extremely effective stress reducing properties. Passion flower is a strong sedative that can greatly calm anxiety and depression, panic attacks and insomnia. Scientific research has also revealed that it can boost gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain which can help with feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear. It may also help to prevent seizures.


There are many different types of passion flower. Make sure you choose the edible kind, Passiflora edulis or incarnata.

Passion flower needs a sunny, sheltered spot in fertile well drained soil. Or a big pot with soil based compost and a trellis or wall to climb.Plant it out before the last frost in the spring and will bloom over a long period, from early summer to autumn.


You can use this herbal anxiety remedy as a tincture, in tablet form or as an infusion. It makes a great herbal tea.




‘Golden Root’ Rhodiola Rosea

First used to help raise the mental and physical abilities of their athletes by Russian researchers. This herb works by increasing dopamine levels and supports the immune system. It’s amazing at helping mental strains and stresses resulting from poor sleep, adrenal fatigue and depression and for this reason Rhodiola can also help to increase feelings of physical and mental resilience.


You can take Rhodiola in tablet form or as a tincture.


This plant is ideal for a sunny, south facing rock garden or well drained soil. It can get to 30cim in height. Plant out any time between May and September. It will flower between May and June.


as a tincture or taken as a tablet.


‘Nature’s tranquilizer’

Valeriana officinalis


Used for hundreds of years as a remedy, Valerian has extraordinary properties, and has been well researched because of it. It is the best sedative and one of my favourite teas to take before bedtime.

It also has huge anti-anxiety properties proving to be one of the best natural herb remedies for anxiety and depression.


Valerian root is commonly used as tinctures, tablets or infusions.


A tall plant, stretching from 1-1.5 meters tall, you might want to put this at the back of your borders. It is very hardy and can be planted out in autumn or spring or sown from seed in the spring.

Living a more resilient life is about being joined up in your approach so treating ailments also need to be viewed in a holistic way. In other words, we need to address the causes of our stress and anxieties and acknowledge that diet, exercise, and rest are also important factors.

Please remember that this list of cures is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any health issues. It is advised, when in doubt, that you consult a medical professional or healthcare provider first.

Herbal & Hedgerow Remedial